Registration Now Open for Spring 2025! Register HERE!

it’s not just a matter of what you claim, but it’s a matter of who claims you.
— Dr. Kim Tallbear. Indigenous author, scholar, and all around badass commenting on indigenous identity and kinmaking

What is Claiming Each Other (CEO)?

Claiming Each Other is a somatic first-response training for our everyday relationships. It is for anyone who feels called to be a more healing presence in the lives of the people around them by offering more skillful response-ability when confronted with intensity, crisis, complexity & trauma.

It is a 60-hour training, either in-person or online, which blends theory, practice and real life integration.

How are the 60 hours broken down?

The training is given over 12 weeks learning weeks (with one week off halfway) for an average of 5 hours of weekly learning and practice. Trainees will be engaged in the classroom with a variety of material from storytelling, theory, art, and practice. Outside of the classroom, students will be asked to deepen their study of the week’s content and apply their learnings with somatic practices, observation exercises, reading/viewing/listening resources, and real-life relational integration. Finally, trainees are asked to complete a self- case-study, documenting through voice recording or typed recording, a real-life scenario they would like to work with. Details on the case-study component are provided in the first live class.

Weekly breakdown of hours:

1x 2hr   live session weekly (in person or online)

1x 2hr   self study and practice with resources provided 

1x 1 hr  creation of written case study (direction provided)

Who is it for?

The CEO training is for any adult who feels called to be a more healing presence in the lives of the people around them. It is for people who care about people & who wish to improve and strengthen their quality of response-ability, resiliency and connection within themselves and their relationships. It is also for people who wish to break out of conflict patterns of reactivity, avoidance, defensiveness, hurt and harm when confronted with triggering or difficult content. It is for people who want to relate to the people around them with more confidence, competence and compassion.

Dates, Times & Locations- Spring 2025

  • Online on Mondays: Every Monday starting January 20 until April 14, off week March 3.

    Times in different timezones: 8-10 PDT, 10-12 Central, 11-13 EST, 16-18 Portugal, 17-19 CEST

    Online Thursdays: Every Thursday starting January 23 until April 17, off week March 6

    Times in different timezones: 9-11 PDT, 11-13 Central, 12-14 EST, 17-19 Portugal, 18-20 CEST

    In person Thursdays: Every Thursday starting January 23 until April 17, off week March 6

    11h30-13h30 in Lagos, Algarve at The Seed

What are the foundational wisdoms?

  1. Healing happens in relationship.

  2. 'Safety is not the absence of threat, but the precense of connection.' -gabor mate

  3. We all have innate capacity to offer healing presence.

  4. Relating well in difficult times is a skill to be learned and practiced. We rise or fall to the level of our training.


What’s the rationale?

Claiming Each Other's somatic first-aid model builds on established models of Psychological First Aid (PFA) by integrating somatic trauma healing, indigenous wisdom and embodied practice. PFA prepares people to respond after community scale natural disasters in order to mitigate the onset of trauma and PTSD. CEO acknowledges that most people are more likely to be exposed to 'domestic scale' crisis in our everyday relationships and so prepares people to better respond there.

CEO prepares people to be a healing presence for spouses, partners, friends, family, children, neighbors, colleagues and strangers when confronted with relational challenges or difficult conflict patterns connected to:

  • War & Colonization

  • Politics

  • Sex and Gender Race and Culture

  • Illness, Pain and Disability

  • Grief and Death

  • Trauma

  • Separation & Divorce

  • Depression

  • Chronic stress

About the Trainer

Lorie has been training since a very young age to be a healing presence in the world. From working as a horseback instructor for children and adults with disabilities, a professional American Sign Language Interpreter to a community organizer and advocate around social and environmental health, she has worked to provide care, healing and relational resiliency in many different challenging and fulfilling contexts.

She is a qualified provider of Somatic Experiencing, Tension & Trauma Release Exercises, Scar Tissue Remediation, Psychological First Aid, Somatic Sex Education and Sexological Bodywork. She is a community herbalist and under guidance as a traditional medicine woman in respect to her indigenous bloodlines. She holds a Master of Art in Ecology and Spirituality from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and is earning a Master of Science in Clinical Herbal Medicine from Notre Dame of Maryland University.

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