Somatic Trauma Therapies, Education & Bodywork with Lorie


Aspiring Elder and Future Ancestor.

Hi, I’m Lorie…

and like you, I am many things.

I am bold and sensitive. Reverent and no-nonsense. Dedicated and humble. Deep and comical. Knowing and not knowing. Stouthearted and alive.

When you work with me, you are also working with my ancestors, with the elements and with Spirit. As an Afro-Caribbean-Lipan Apache-Chicana-Americana woman, the soul of my lifework is inseparable from the lineages I was born and initiated into… and the intimate interconnectivity of life. 

I honor you as I honor all life. As kin.

I am humbled by my role as witness and guide on this journey of collective embodiment. My intention is to contribute towards positive and creative responses to the personal, social, environmental and spiritual needs found within our communities.

I offer my blessings, respect and solidarity to all beings who find themselves in seasons of life which call for grace, empathy, mercy & courage. May the mysteries of your innate resiliency keep and hold you in your being and becoming. And may you share your gifts well with the world.


Certified Scar Tissue Remediation, Education and Management Practitioner- Dr. Ellen Heed

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner- Somatic Experiencing International

Certified Sexological Bodyworker and Somatic Sex Educator- Sea School of Embodiment

Certified TRE (Tension and Trauma Release Exercises) Provider- Besty Ross & Lizzy Hearne

Master of Art: Ecology and Spirituality- University of Wales Trinity Saint David Dissertation Title: Exploring the Embodied Erotic Ecology of Somatic Sexological Practitioners Working at Healing Intersections of Sexuality, Spirituality and Ecology 

Trainings, Apprenticeships & Lifework Projects

Ordained Interfaith Chaplain in formation The Chaplaincy Institute, California, USA (projected ordination, spring 2026)

Psychological First Aid- Johns Hopkins Center for Public Health Preparedness

Integrated Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate - The Embody Lab

Racialized Trauma Course - Cultural Somatics Institute

Somatic Abolitionism- Resmaa Menakem

Vitalist Herbal Practitioner- School of Evolutionary Herbalism

Medical Herbalist Apprenticeship - Poppy Burr, BSC (2019-present) Algarve, Portugal

Traditional Healer under guidance from Lipan Apache tribal elder

Certificado de Formação em Terapia Tântrica – Método da Escola Nacional de Tantra, Lisbon, PT

Apprenticeship in Healing Herbs and Medicine Music- Maureen Robertson at The Herbal Path, Algarve, PT

Founder and Lead Facilitator of Urban Farm Camp in San Antonio, Texas, USA

First Initiation into Motherhood in 2014!

Certified Permaculture Designer- Maya Mountain Research Farm Belize

Certified Forest School Teacher- Ceadarsong Forest School, Vashon Island, WA, USA

Boss Lady at Renewable Republic urban farm and artist/maker community in San Antonio, Texas, USA